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Welcome to Tobacco Control and Research Cell (TCRC), DIU.

Impact assessment study on pictorial warnings among rickshaw polar in Dhaka city

Objective: Bangladesh is a large and heavily densely populated country. Total population are 168.07 million, this makes the 8th most populous country in the world. The capital and largest city is Dhaka, which has a population of 14.4 million. Dhaka is often called the Rickshaw Capital of the World with more than 600,000 cycle rickshaws on the roads every day. In Bangladesh, 37.8 million [GATS-2017] people are using tobacco and tobacco is one of the major causes of poverty. Bangladesh government has enacted tobacco control law in 2005 and amended in 2013 passed the rules in 2015. As per rules Graphic Health Warnings [GHWs] has been implemented from 19 March 2016. The objective of the study was to identify the impact of GHWs implementation among the Rickshaw Polar in Dhaka city. SPSS 21, Microsoft Excel used to analysis the data.

Methods: Cross sectional study design, quantitative and qualitative approaches, purposive sampling method, semi-structured questionnaire and in-depth interview used to conduct the survey.
